速報APP / 教育 / Script Player-Learn Languages

Script Player-Learn Languages





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Script Player-Learn Languages(圖1)-速報App

You can fast forward / rewind / listen repeatedly while heading out automatically for each sentence or word in a foreign language voice file such as English.

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖2)-速報App

Detects the silent part, breaks it into sentences and words, input / save / edit each text, and text is displayed according to the progress of the sound.

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖3)-速報App

Play List

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖4)-速報App

You can add and remove your sound files to your Play List from in device or cloud service, and if you would like to remove it from your list, you can remove it from your Play List.

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖5)-速報App

This app doesn't affect your original file but you have to wait a moment to load it.

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖6)-速報App

Script Player

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖7)-速報App

You can move a sentence position you want to listen quickly.

Script Player-Learn Languages(圖8)-速報App

Also, you can set your script texts on your each sentence parsed automatically by this app.

If you would like to use Suggestion, this app suggests you script text using voice recognizer, so you can set each script easily to your sound file.